With the jewelry industries most important tradeshow JCK coming up in June, my team was asked to come up with some posters that spoke to some of our corporate values.  Being that we never take the easy route, my colleague and I cooked up an entire print and digital campaign that was is funny and memorable.  We purchased USB wristbands and rented a photo booth with Boss-Like Props to really give customers an experience. It was a great ice breaker/talking point and the customers raved about it.

I created all print/digital assets (posters, duratrans, digital billboards) as well as several concepts and copy to launch this trade show experience/social media campaign complete . Customers are currently enjoying the fun experience of this campaign which makes the company stand out in a sea of manufactures just selling rings.
Like A Boss Campaign


Like A Boss Campaign

Print and digital campaign for JCK 2016
